S.S. Upadhya, A. Chatterjee, V.R. Chitnis, R.L. Deshmukh, P. Dorjey, N. Dorji, S. Duhan, K.S. Gothe, A.P.K. Kutty, B.K. Nagesh, V.A. Nikam, N.K. Parmar, S.R. Patel, M. Ranjan, S.K. Rao, A. Roy, M.N. Saraf, A. Sarkar, B.B. Singh, P. Verma.


A 256-pixel imaging Camera based on SiPM is being developed for a 4m class Cherenkov telescope would be the first of its kind in India that uses SiPM as a pixel sensor in place of photomultipliers. It would be tested on the vertex element of the TACTIC telescopes at Mt Abu, Rajasthan, and the final proposal is to deploy the telescope at high-altitude site of Hanle, Ladak. The Imaging camera covers a field of view of 5(^\circ \times 5^\circ ) with a pixel resolution of 0.3(^\circ ) for the TACTIC telescope. A modular approach is adopted for the camera design, considering quick development, easy maintenance and scalability. A prototype 64-pixel version of the proposed camera is being developed. Various features of the camera will be presented along with the lab evaluation results of the prototype.